You’re not alone. Most of us are experiencing high levels of anxiety, stress, chaos, fatigue and burnout these days. Our experienced, caring, and licensed therapists have flexible schedules and are ready to talk with you today about your worries, fears, and anxieties.
Unlike other telehealth providers that appeared because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been practicing telehealth counseling since 2017. We offer flexible appointment times, affordable self-pay rates, and we do accept some insurance plans. In short, we are a local group of professional telehealth therapists and counselors, not a text-based app. We provide the same type of quality therapy that you would receive during a traditional office visit.
If it is time for you to promote better mental health, enrich your relationships, and create a life worth living, we are here to listen and to help. Contact us today to schedule an initial phone consultation and experience why we are the best choice for online therapy in Pennsylvania.