It’s looking like my kids will be starting school in person this year, and while I am 1) nervous about it and 2) even more nervous about it, I’m trying to be proactive and turn my anxiety into actual work. I’m tempted to just go out and buy a bunch of masks (and let’s be honest, I most likely will), but before the school year begins, I’ve set the goal for myself of making at least five masks per child.
As much as I hate the idea of having to keep track of where their masks are every day: Did they leave it on the bus? Did they leave it at school? In their locker? In the gym? Where??? I hate the idea of having to wash them and dry them each day even more.
But making masks from scratch actually necessitates making a mask from scratch. It means cutting and sewing and measuring and, for me, a lot of failure. But I have time! And the desire to not have to do laundry is pretty overpowering, everyone.
Here’s how the first try went:
- Okay. Got the fabric. Cute! The kids will like this print. I’ll take a yard of each, please.
- …A yard is way too much fabric. Oh well.
- All right. Just gotta cut it. That’s not very even, is it? Well, I’ll just cut some more here, and maybe make this end even…oh wait, now it’s an inch shorter than what I need. Re-cut!
- I have to cut TWO pieces??
- Okay, got my pieces. That only took 45 minutes.
- Sew the short ends together. Oh wait, I have to thread the machine? How do I do that?
- Okay, short ends done. Now the long ends. Done.
- Print sides facing each other? Where’s the seam ripper?
- Short sides together…
- Oh, it’s only been 90 minutes.
- I need a break.
Two Days Later…
- I think pleats scared me even before I ever thought about making a mask.
I have, since I began this lofty goal several days ago, completed one fully functional mask. Only nine more to go, and I have six weeks until school starts. I’ll totally get it done!
But seriously, folks: all of this is to say that no matter what you try to accomplish, especially in a time where things you need might not be readily available, or if you just want to stop halfway and scream into the void about how unfair all of this is, it can get done. You can do hard things! Like making masks! Because, really…if I can do it, you can definitely do it.
Until next time, be well!

About the author: Christy Gualtieri is a freelance writer specializing in pop culture, religion, and motherhood. She lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and two children. Christy also blogs at and tweets @agapeflower117. You can follow her here on eTalkTherapy for inspirational articles and different perspectives as they relate to good mental health.